Evanston Oak Team

Helping Evanston's Oaks, One Tree at a Time

Simple Tree Care

There is a role for professionals and municipal staff in tree care, but they either don't get involved until there's a problem or are understaffed/underresourced and unable to provide basic support to young trees. That's where you come in!

Step One: Mulch your trees every spring

Buy a bag of mulch (it's cheap!) for every tree on your parkway and in your yard. Spread it in a donut shape around the base of the tree. Keep it away from the trunk because it can weaken the tree.

Step Two: Give each tree 5 gallons of water a week Spring-Fall

Buy a 5 gallon bucket (I use the homer bucket from Home Depot) and give each tree a bucket's worth of water a week.

Take the Tree Care Pledge!

  • I will mulch my trees (using a donut shape) every spring.

  • I will water my trees once a week Spring-Fall.

Now that wasn't so hard, was it? These two simple steps will dramatically improve the health of your trees.